公司简介:? ? ? ?临沂领英商贸有限公司成立于2005,是工贸一体的民营企业。专业生产销售再生中空短纤,硬质棉。经过多年的的艰苦创业,公司已经成为江北较大的化纤生产企业,发展成拥有总资产过亿元的规模企业。? ? ?公司占地面积200亩,建筑面积6万平方米,员工300余人,其中有中、高级管理和技术人员60余人,现有国内先进的生产流水线2条,年产能达3万吨。产品有三维中空,无硅、加硅、特滑。品种规格达十几种,能满足多种用户的需要,产品深受广大客户的欢迎。几年来产品一直供不应求。公司在国内外已和许多大的原料供应商牢固地建立起长期贸易合作关系,从而为原料的稳定和足量供应打下了坚实的基础。 产品简介: 二维/三维 卷曲中空涤纶短纤维:原生/再生,全硅/半硅/无硅 床上用品用短纤维 3d×64 mm颜色白,手感柔滑,回弹佳,适用于高档枕芯,被服 7d×64 mm颜色白,手感柔滑,回弹佳,适用于高档枕芯,被服?White color with soft hand feeling & highly elastic character, using for higher quality pillows and beddings 3d×51 mm颜色白,手感柔滑,回弹佳,适用于高档枕芯,被服 7d×64 S 拉力好,蓬松度高,回弹好,性价比高,适用于被服Good pull strength, better fluffy and elastic, using for beddings with lower price 6d×51 mm 颜色白,手感细滑,回弹佳,拉力好,适用于高档被服?White color with soft hand feeling & highly elastic character & good pull strength, using for higher quality beddings 15d×64mm颜色白,回弹特佳,压缩后在一定时间内不变形,适用于压缩枕芯?White color with highly elastic and rebound degree, using for filling pillows 15d×51mm 高蓬松,耗料省,回弹佳,适用于枕芯?High fluffy & highly elastic and rebound degree, using for pillows 1.33d *38mm颜色白,手感柔滑,回弹佳,适用于高档枕芯,被服?抱枕? 毛绒玩具短纤维(涤纶短纤维、PP棉) 3d×51 mm颜色白,手感柔滑,回弹佳,适用于高档枕芯,被服 15d×64mm 颜色白,弹性特佳,适用于高档玩具?White color with super elastic character using for filling higher quality toys 15d×32mm 颜色白,松散性佳,回弹好,适用于机吹玩具White color with better fluffy and highly elastic and rebounding character, using for higher quality machine filling toys 15d×51mm 蓬松度高,回弹好,耗料省,?机充手充都可以。Highly fluffy and elastic and rebounding character, using for higher quality both hand filling and machine filling toys 7 d×32mm 颜色白,手感柔滑,回弹好,适用于机吹玩具White color with soft hand feeling $ highly elastic and rebounding character, using for higher quality machine filling toys 硬质棉???硬质棉短纤维 15d×64 mm 无硅??手感硬挺,蓬松度高,回弹好??Hard-hand feeling, high fluffy and highly elastic and rebounding character 7 d×64 mm 无硅?颜色白,回弹好White color and highly elastic and rebounding character 珍珠棉系列?短纤维 6d×51SS ?颜色白,手感滑爽,回弹好,易成球?White color & super soft hand feeling & highly elastic, easy to make the ball 低熔点纤维:(4080 韩国代理) 4d*51mm 纺纱线纤维 1.4d*38mm(无硅)? 1.2*38mm/44mm 1.33*38mm/44mm 1.5*38mm/44mm 粘胶纤维、莱赛尔纤维 ?