

  • 10
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:私营企业
  • 公司地址: 山东省 临沂 兰山区 双岭路与宏大路交汇处
  • 姓名: 张敏
  • 认证: 手机已认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定

    山东化纤厂家 高质量涤纶纤维 填充棉 化纤 高弹性加硅 被子填充棉 枕芯填充棉 沙发靠垫填充

  • 所属行业:纺织 纺织原料 纺织化纤
  • 发布日期:2017-06-27
  • 阅读量:334
  • 价格:6300.00 元/吨 起
  • 产品规格:3d 6d 7d 15d
  • 产品数量:1.00 吨
  • 包装说明:真空编织袋包装
  • 发货地址:山东临沂兰山区  
  • 关键词:山东化纤厂家,高质量,涤纶纤维,填充棉,化纤,被子填充棉

    山东化纤厂家 高质量涤纶纤维 填充棉 化纤 高弹性加硅 被子填充棉 枕芯填充棉 沙发靠垫填充详细内容

    Bedding Fiber
    3×64mm(siliconized)  White color with soft hand feeling & highly elastic character, using for higher quality pillows and beddings
    7DX64mm(siliconized): White color with soft hand feeling & highly elastic character, using for higher quality pillows and beddings
    7DX64mm(semi-silicone):Good pull strength, better fluffy and elastic, using for beddings with lower price
    6DX51mm(siliconized): White color with soft hand feeling & highly elastic character & good pull strength, using for higher quality beddings
    15DX64mm(siliconized): White color with highly elastic and rebound degree, using for filling pillows
    15DX51mm(siliconized):High fluffy & highly elastic and rebound degree, using for pillows
    1.33d*38mm(siliconized)  : White color with soft hand feeling & highly elastic character, using for higher quality pillows and beddings
    Toys and sofa Fiber 
    3×32mm(siliconized)  :White color with soft hand feeling $ highly elastic and rebounding character, using for higher quality machine filling toys
    3×51mm(siliconized):White color with soft hand feeling $ highly elastic and rebounding character
    15DX64mm(siliconized): White color with super elastic character using for filling higher quality toys
    15DX32mm(siliconized): White color with better fluffy and highly elastic and rebounding character, using for higher quality machine filling toys
    15DX51mm(siliconized): Highly fluffy and elastic and rebounding character, using for higher quality both hand filling and machine filling toys
    7DX32mm(siliconized): White color with soft hand feeling $ highly elastic and rebounding character, using for higher quality machine filling toys
    Hard Cotton/Hard Cotton Short Fiber
    15DX64mm(non-silicone): Hard-hand feeling, high fluffy and highly elastic and rebounding character
    7DX64mm(non-silicone): White color and highly elastic and rebounding character
    Ball Fiber
    6DX51mm(siliconized): White color & super soft hand feeling & highly elastic, easy to make the ball
    Sipnning fiber:
    Low melt fiber:
    欢迎来到临沂领英商贸有限公司网站, 具体地址是山东省临沂兰山区双岭路与宏大路交汇处,老板是魏**。 主要经营三维中空条纶短纤维,公仔棉,枕芯棉,三维加硅7D-51mm,三维加硅15d-32mm玩具用棉,三维加硅7d-64mm被子用纤维,三维中空15d-64mm硬质棉**。。 单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 100 - 250 万元。 我公司供应三维中空pp棉,三维加硅条纶纤维,硬质棉垫子,毛绒玩具填充棉,枕头填充中空纤维,公仔棉等,产品质量可靠,价格优惠,可根据客户要求加工生产,欢迎咨询订购!